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Ebook Deals Today | July 27, 2024

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Semi-Gloss by Joe Barrett

April 4, 2024 |

Price – $0.99

“Funny as hell, brilliant dialogue, great characters who I just want to hang with forever and an air-tight story-line that thinks of every contingency and plans accordingly.” –Tom McCaffrey, bestselling author of The Claire Trilogy

What sucks … Read More

The Wise Ass (The Claire Saga, Book 1) by Tom McCaffrey

February 24, 2024 |

Price: $0.99

When Wise Guys meet the Wise Ass and friends, all hell breaks loose.

After his brothers are murdered, a New York mob lawyer testifies against his associates and is forced to enter WITSEC (the Witness Protection Program). He … Read More

Reality Barks: A Rescue Dog’s Funny Story by Kit James

July 10, 2023 |

Realtime Price – $2.99

When a rescue dog with an extraordinary ability to read auras is adopted by two glossy metro couples, his new life turns into an adventure beyond anything he could have imagined. Now called Elliott, he adapts … Read More

The Singularity by John Rehill

April 16, 2021 |

Realtime Price – $2.99

The Singularity has been realized and initiated by a group of Hong Kong programmers. Their artificial intelligence system has been invented and is fully self-conscious, only– they fucked up– the AGI is abhorrently and obnoxiously politically … Read More

Danger in the Rain by Douglas Boatman

April 16, 2021 |

Realtime Price – $6.99

Nicki Vavul brought the rain, but Ted Danger didn’t care. She was the perfect client. Chic as hell, loaded with cash, and desperate for a private eye. Not to mention a little bit crazy.

Find the … Read More

Dargo: Eco Hero! by Karina McRoberts

April 1, 2021 |

Realtime Price – $2.99


A lonely young man suffers a massive defeat. When all is lost, he meets a fiery fortune-teller who pleads with him to save her.

Can he re-invent himself as a hero?

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The Famous Union by Michael Meyer

February 28, 2021 |

Realtime Price – $3.99

Adult humorous fiction Famous Union College is a slow moving train wreck, a place where what is what is not. Two hapless heroes. An exhibitionist secretary. Bumbling administrators. A paranoid football coach. Conniving coeds. A sex … Read More

Wanderlost: Shots of Literary Tequila for the Restless Soul by Simon Williams

November 16, 2020 |

Realtime Price – $2.99

Simon Williams has a recurring nightmare where he goes on a long hike. But no matter how far he walks, he can never get away from his past mistakes.

As he turns 50, Simon looks back … Read More

Death in Eden by Paul J Heald

August 26, 2020 |

Realtime Price – $3.99

Sociologist Stanley Hopkins is interviewing porn stars for his new book. You can be sure his wife is coming to LA with him.

When America’s most famous adult actress is found battered beyond recognition, Stanley is … Read More

It started with a Miss by Lara Golden

May 17, 2020 |

Realtime Price – $0.99

Annie just started her first real job. The last thing she needs is a life.

Annie Adams has just started her first job, teaching at St. Bernard’s school in Dublin. So she knows she needs to … Read More