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Ebook Deals Today | July 26, 2024

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Humour & Satire

Daisy in the Doghouse by Joe Barrett

March 9, 2024 |

Price – $0.99

What happens when an ex-CEO, frustrated with the corruption in the American financial system, hijacks his twelve-year-old daughter’s blog to try and change things from the bottom up?

In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, Jack … Read More

Reality Barks: A Rescue Dog’s Funny Story by Kit James

July 10, 2023 |

Realtime Price – $2.99

When a rescue dog with an extraordinary ability to read auras is adopted by two glossy metro couples, his new life turns into an adventure beyond anything he could have imagined. Now called Elliott, he adapts … Read More

Something Scandalous, Treacherous, and Black by Zachary Ryan

April 7, 2023 |

Realtime Price – $0.99

You are gathered here today to witness the scandalous union of Paige and Joshua.

The only problem is Paige is still in love with Leo, her college sweetheart, and Joshua has been sleeping with Joey, the … Read More

Dead Funny, Book 1 by Jinx James

May 15, 2022 |

Realtime Price – $1.99

DEAD FUNNY – A killer collection of ballsy women and their stories. DEAD FUNNY confirms that the world is as crazy and off-kilter as you always suspected. It’s an outrageous quartet of Noir-Ha-Ha short stories throbbing … Read More

Dead Funny, Book 1 by Jinx James

May 12, 2022 |

Realtime Price – $1.99

DEAD FUNNY – A killer collection of ballsy women and their stories. DEAD FUNNY confirms that the world is as crazy and off-kilter as you always suspected. It’s an outrageous quartet of Noir-Ha-Ha short stories throbbing … Read More

The Singularity by John Rehill

April 16, 2021 |

Realtime Price – $2.99

The Singularity has been realized and initiated by a group of Hong Kong programmers. Their artificial intelligence system has been invented and is fully self-conscious, only– they fucked up– the AGI is abhorrently and obnoxiously politically … Read More

The Famous Union by Michael Meyer

February 28, 2021 |

Realtime Price – $3.99

Adult humorous fiction Famous Union College is a slow moving train wreck, a place where what is what is not. Two hapless heroes. An exhibitionist secretary. Bumbling administrators. A paranoid football coach. Conniving coeds. A sex … Read More

The Perfect Culture by Brent Robins

November 6, 2019 |

Realtime Price – $3.99

Thomas Gephardt is a world traveler. Or at least he would like to be one. Determined to leave the confines of his sheltered upbringing in the United States, he voyages to France to expand his horizons. … Read More

Pianist in a Bordello by Mike C. Erickson

October 11, 2016 |

Realtime Pricing:$0.99

What would happen if a politician decided to tell the truth—the whole truth?

Richard Youngblood, aspiring Congressman, is about to find out. Read More

Really, Cher?: A Story With a Dog in It by Julian Coleman

January 21, 2016 |

Realtime Pricing:$1.99

Merriam-Webster Dictionary: stupid (n) – slow of mind: obtuse

Dr. Gorgeous’ office called to tell me about a stray dog that needed a home. Read More