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Ebook Deals Today | March 29, 2025

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Fake Husband Secret, Book 12 by Lauren Wood

Fake Husband Secret, Book 12 by Lauren Wood

Realtime Price – $0.99

I didn’t come to Apple Creek to run away from my life,
But from the moment I arrive…my life starts to run away from me.

All I want to do is see my big brother’s new house,
And convince him that I have my life together.
The visit is going fine until…
My husband calls and tells me it’s over.
Just like that. He wants a divorce.
That shiny image of the perfect life I sold to my brother…
Is officially shattered.

At least it will be when I tell him what happened.
Then again, does he really have to know?
He’s never met my husband, or seen a picture of him.
So really…anyone could be my husband for all he knows.
Including the hot guy I met at the farmer’s market.

While I’m paying a stranger to win over my brother…
That stranger starts to win me over.
Josh Tuckett has muscles that put Greek gods to shame.
He also has a major chip on his shoulder about pretty much everything.

It’s sure to be a disaster.
Or at least it seems like it will be…
Until I turn out to be the sweetness Josh needs to tame his bitterness,
And life on the farm with him turns out to be everything I’ve been missing.

The whole charade becomes less about convincing my brother we’re married,
And more about convincing ourselves that we’re not falling in love.
But long hot nights in bed with this sexy farmer don’t come without a price.
Pretty soon I’m staring at a positive pregnancy test.

I’ve made a bad habit of lying my way out of my messes.
But how am I supposed to lie my way out of being pregnant?

Note: Adult Only!

Genre: Contemporary Romance, New Adult

Fake Husband Secret (Daddies and Babies, Book 12) by Lauren Wood

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