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Ebook Deals Today | March 11, 2025

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Steel The Darkness by Dana G. Smith

Steel The Darkness by Dana G. Smith

Realtime Price – $9.50

What does a Jewish prophet, a group of American Patriots, Nephilim, UFO, and Christians come together to fight a Conspiracy? There are two forces and one outcome!
So we ask this question.
How dark is the night? We get this answer, it is Very dark, it grows!

There are those in Present day America whose cause is to Steel the Darkness and ensure their Kingdom on Earth!

Set in modern day America and with current prophecy we find a dark force in action. It is their purpose to take over everything. As their own words point out “We must ‘steel’ the darkness, hardened it. To employ our utmost powers, incorporating darkness in the land; making it impervious to attacks. We must cover this land with our principalities and powers, by this; we will certainly ‘steel’ the darkness and will succeed in our goal!”

You will be taken on a journey filled with Dark powers, Lucifer, and those who follow him who are bent on taking over the America of which we write.

The battle is set as Remnant Christians, a Jewish Prophet, historical powers from the beginning of this nation, along with UFO’s, Nephilim, and other people make up the bulk of this story. The two sides are fighting a battle. Two forces, many principalities, prophecies, dark shadows, the power of God, and His Son Jesus Christ all move together in this epic story of survival, faith, and power!

Genre: Mystery, Thriller

Steel The Darkness: A growing conspiracy of darkness, a group of American Patriots with Hope and faith to fight in Present day America by Dana G. Smith

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