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Ebook Deals Today | July 27, 2024

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A Manhattan Men Box Set 1: Books 1 – 4 by Jacob Parker

July 10, 2024 |

Price – $0.99

Four Manhattan Men Novels for your reading pleasure…

Book 1 – Mr. Real Rich

Nothing tastes as sweet as winning over a woman.

And this pretty single mom is in my sights.

But it’s not her heart … Read More

Oh So Hot Box Set Two by Ali Parker, Weston Parker & Jacob Parker

June 25, 2024 |

Price – $0.99

Three Parker Family Books for your reading pleasure…

My Secret Love Affair – Ali Parker

A three-week affair and he was gone, leaving me with a gift. A baby.

This big handsome billionaire had no desire to … Read More

A Wedding Bells Alpha Box Set 1 by Weston Parker

June 9, 2024 |

Price – $0.99

Four Wedding Bells Alpha Novels for your reading pleasure…

Book 1 – Say You Do My brother is an idiot—he’s getting married. And I’m in charge of getting things together since our folks are gone. I run … Read More

An Always You Box Set: Book 1 – 3 by Ali Parker

May 22, 2024 |

Price – $0.99

Three An Always You Novels for your reading pleasure…

Book 1 – Right Under My Nose My life couldn’t get any more ridiculous. A few days ago, my son’s teacher wanted to berate me on my parenting … Read More

All for Love by Weston Parker

December 5, 2023 |

Realtime Price – $4.99

What’s worse than planning your wedding?

Glad you asked.

Planning your parent’s wedding.

Cue eye roll.

The icing on the cake, no pun intended, is who I have to plan the wedding with.

My soon-to-be stepmother’s … Read More

A Holiday Love Affair by Ali Parker

November 22, 2023 |

Realtime Price – $5.99

Doesn’t everyone deserve forgiveness on Christmas?

My ex is the last person I want to see.

Especially here.

Without love in my life, I’ve poured myself into my career.

I don’t need anything else.

That’s what … Read More

Never Let Go by Weston Parker

November 15, 2023 |

Realtime Price – $4.99

The fairytales never warn you how confusing it can be.

Falling in love, I mean.

Especially when you’re as unlucky as I am.

I loved a boy once, but he is the one who got away.

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Two Wrongs Made Right by Ali Parker

November 1, 2023 |

Realtime Price – $4.99

Just because my brother found love doesn’t mean I have to. I’d rather focus on other things. Like money. It never gives you sleepless nights that drive you insane. But the single mom I hooked up … Read More

Fake It For Glory by Weston Parker

October 18, 2023 |

Realtime Price – $4.99

Romance is a waste of time and energy.

I’m not going deep with anyone. Let’s keep things on the shallow end of the pool.

Where it’s easy to get out when I’m ready.

Besides, my focus … Read More

This Guy? by Ali Parker

September 5, 2023 |

Realtime Price – $5.99

You can’t just use a girl and ghost her. But this guy did.

My roommate has some hot jerk lead her on and break her heart, but what he doesn’t count on is me.

I’m tired … Read More