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Ebook Deals Today | July 26, 2024

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Some Kinda Romance by Weston Parker

Some Kinda Romance by Weston Parker

Price: $0.99

I might be in the business of weddings, but I have no intention of walking down the aisle.

I’ll just make my millions sending suckers to the altar.

It’s an easy gig and I’m far too good at it.

Until it’s a little too close to home.

My mother is getting married, and she wants me to work with a wedding planner.

Talk about a gut punch.

My father is in the ground, and she wants me to pick her flower arrangements and organize the seating chart.

The worst part?

My usual go-to for a wedding like this is no longer in the business.

He left his empire to his ex-wife.

And she’s… what’s the right word?

The worst.




I can’t work with an average Jane like her.

But I can sleep with her.

In that department, she gets a gold star.

Or five.

Nothing average about her.

Maybe there’s more to it than our chemistry.

One thing’s for certain.

Me and her?

We make some kinda romance.

Every good girl deserves a bad boy. ~ Weston

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy

Some Kinda Romance by Weston Parker

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