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Ebook Deals Today | December 19, 2024

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Cloak & Dagger Man by Dan McMartin

thriller action & adventure ebook Cloak & Dagger Man by Dan McMartin

Realtime Pricing:$2.99

John Powell is the heroic lone survivor when his squad is overrun by Germans in Sicily. That all too familiar tragedy catches the attention of the top secret Office of Strategic Service, the OSS. John is recruited and sent to a hidden facility in Scotland for training as a secret agent. Once he’s paid his dues, John is ordered to occupied France to deliver a German defector into Allied hands.

The German defector, however, is a nuclear scientist and he can’t leave without destroying his work. John Powell sees an opportunity to prove himself and get a little payback for the slaughter of his buddies back in Sicily. As the two make their way back into Germany, the scientist proves to be less than truthful. The scientist’s treachery puts John in breach of the first rule of the OSS…don’t get captured!

John Powell may have been captured, but he’s not willing to give up just yet. Join an OSS Cloak & Dagger Man as he fights the Nazis in a clandestine war deep in the heart of Germany. You’ll find rousing action & adventure, sinister villains and steamy wartime romance in the classic pulp style of the 1940’s. Only one OSS secret agent can stop Hitler from getting an atomic bomb and John Powell is that man!

Genre: Action & Adventure, Espionage, Thriller

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