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Ebook Deals Today | September 7, 2024

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space opera Archives - Ebook Deals Today

The Last Lumenian by S.G. Blaise

March 26, 2024 |

Price – Free

Grand Prize Winner for the CIBA 2022 CYGNUS Award for Science Fiction

A rebellious princess chasing destiny. Menacing villains. The Last Lumenian is a captivating sci-fi fantasy with a touch of charming alien romance. A coming-of-age tale … Read More

Violent Wonder by Fredrick Niles

April 28, 2023 |

Realtime Price – $2.99

Space has never been more hostile.

300 years ago, a bolt of cosmic lightning struck Earth, scattering humanity across the stars. Since then, most habitable planets have come under the rule of an authoritarian regime known … Read More

When the Children Fight Back by Barry Kirwan

October 2, 2022 |

Realtime Price – $2.99

In the near future, Artificial Intelligences will be smarter than us. Is that a good thing?

“Really entertaining, a brilliant balance between action and emotion.”

“A wonderful story. So much imagination!”

A mega-AI known as the … Read More

Connor’s Gambit by Z Gottlieb

December 6, 2020 |

Realtime Price – $0.99

Brad Johnson, a lone witness to a UFO sighting becomes an alien target and quickly finds himself on an off world adventure, relying on his skills to survive an intergalactic war. As Brad struggles to understand … Read More

Vagabond (Guild Series, Book 1) by Tim Rangnow

March 4, 2020 |

Realtime Price – $2.99

The solar system is stuck in a decades long cold war between the two major powers on Earth. Luna is torn between two allegiances, with each superpower controlling a dome on the home world’s moon. In … Read More

42 & Beyond: A Space Opera Anthology by Koriander Bullard + more!

October 12, 2018 |

Realtime Price – $2.99

A multitude of authors have come together to take you on a magical journey through space and beyond. Visit worlds you never imagined before, discover dreams, and be a part of intergalactic missions of gigantic proportions. … Read More

Eye of the Colossus: A Steampunk Space Opera Adventure by Nicole Grotepas

April 25, 2018 |

Realtime Price – $3.99

Some think the City of Jade Spires is a utopia. It very much isn’t.

Holly Drake is in prison for defending herself from a murderer. That’s the kind of corruption thriving in the city where … Read More

Sanctuary’s Soldier: The Darkspace Saga Book 1 by B.C. Kellogg

May 16, 2017 |

Realtime Pricing:$3.99

Conrad Redeker can hear the song of the stars echoing in his blood.

Sanctuary was once called Earth. Read More