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Ebook Deals Today | February 22, 2025

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Isabel and The Wolf by Ariana Hawkes

paranormal erotica romance Isabel and The Wolf by Ariana Hawkes

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The fourth and final episode in the paranormal werewolf erotic romance serial, Isabel and The Wolf.

She’s looking for a dominant man. He’s looking for a mate. When their very different worlds collide, can they find what they need in each other?

Horrified by the revelation of Peter’s true nature, Isabel pushes him, and everything to do with him, as far out of her mind as possible. Instead, she looks for comfort in the arms of Jed – the handsome, stable guy her mother would approve of. But it’s not long before she discovers that Jed is not all he seems either. And suddenly, the secrets of Silver City are brought to shaggy-haired life.

As news of the town’s unusual wolves begins to spread, a shocking incident throws Peter and Jed together in a way Isabel couldn’t have imagined. Sometimes it takes adversity to reveal your true feelings, and Isabel finally knows what she needs to do to resolve the conflict between her head and her heart.

Isabel and The Wolf: Part Four is a 25,700 word novella and the final episode in the paranormal werewolf erotic romance serial Isabel and The Wolf by Ariana Hawkes. It contains cliffhangers. It also contains strong sexual themes and is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

Genre: Erotic, Paranormal Romance

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