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Ebook Deals Today | October 18, 2024

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Finding Your Sober Bubble by Darren G. Taylor

Finding Your Sober Bubble by Darren G. Taylor

Realtime Price – $5.56

You don’t need to be ‘labelled’ an alcoholic to have a drink problem, and as a self-confessed binge drinker, Darren didn’t necessarily hit what is ‘perceived’ as ‘rock bottom’ but says he could certainly see it from where he was standing! Finding Your Sober Bubble is a book for anyone who wants to:

•Take an honest look at their relationship with alcohol.
•Hear from another ‘real’ human how their relationship with alcohol evolved, why they chose to end it, and how they did it, with helpful advice and tips throughout.
•Laugh, and possibly cry a little.
•Learn more about overcoming emotions and circumstances to achieve goals, from an everyday guy traversing this Earth with relatable challenges.

“This powerful book challenges you to deeply explore your thoughts and fears around letting go of alcohol, and release them, using a unique and effective blend of storytelling and Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques. This book will change lives”!
– Annie Grace, Author of ‘This Naked Mind’

“Darren is a word smith and being from the US, I learned some new words from this book! Real talk, his story isn’t unlike many of those of us who have reflected on our journey with alcohol. It was a refreshing departure from the harsh addiction rhetoric I had experienced elsewhere. I cannot recommend this book highly enough”!
– MrsRizMitts, Reader, US

Not just another tale of someone who got sober, Darren looks back through hidden emotions and life’s circumstances to understand why he binge drank. His account demonstrates with humour, the power of persistence when achieving goals, and includes NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) techniques. Written in his own unique style, this book is real, supportive and in no way condescending.

When it comes to alcohol, the perception of everyday people, and some professionals, is often misconstrued. Along with millions of others, Darren once found himself always abusing alcohol, and for the wrong reasons. With a broken on/off switch, he struggled to stop, and with a high-flying job leading him further down the road to destruction, playing with his ego, and offering a lifestyle that many people would be grateful for, alcohol started to take over and he almost lost everything.

You may already be sober, sober curious, or at the end of your tether, but through preparation and using this book as a guide, you too can cut out alcohol, finding inspiration from a regular guy who took different methods and made them his own. This battle against the booze highlights these various methods, including counselling and NLP therapy, AA, social media and scouring the web typing in ‘am I an alcoholic’? Pulling on everyday experiences, the author also gives an insight into the ‘problem drinker’ with his relatable and unique booze category scale, proving that limitations and perceptions can be overcome.

Welcome to the world of sober living. Through determination, self-belief, and frozen fruit and tonic (diet of course, no gin), you too can thrive in sobriety by creating your very own Sober Bubble.

Another review from the readers which sums up the message Darren wanted to convey:

“Darren truly writes from the heart and in a compelling way that anyone can relate to. It is a brutally honest account of his journey and recovery. Heartily recommend”
– Caroline, UK

Genre: Selfhelp, Non-fiction

Finding Your Sober Bubble: Overcome Alcohol by Understanding Emotions and Circumstance by Darren G. Taylor

Amazon US

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