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Ebook Deals Today | February 22, 2025

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Dormant by S.J. PHARRO

Dormant ( A Mental Health Driven Thriller ) by S.J. PHARRO

Realtime Price – $2.99

This is it.

You did it all.. we did it all.

We all pulled in more positive directions in today’s world, problem is we were pulling in different directions but somehow believed we were pulling in the same direction.

We have all been living in this fantasy that nothing can go wrong on scales that it has gone wrong on before.

The human brain is quivering.. shaking.. in a corner and it was never designed to take everything the modern world has thrown into our skulls.

The pressures of social media.
The lack of public services.
The feeling of our children being treated like cattle through schools.
Never knowing what the next day will bring.
Living each day feeling like you died somewhere amongst it.
Terrorism being broadcast live on the news to fill your eyes.
Life being dictated by the few so the many can suffer through what was never life.
Pasting on the same face each day even though your insides are burning.
Everything getting more expensive.
Social pressures making you feel as though you have to be a sheep.
Your children watching reality TV and aspiring to be a falsity.
Celebrities being made from a funny Tweet.
Your brain blocking out current issues, homelessness, poverty.

Problem is none of that is in your life because your brain makes you feel good about it all, the bad things are not happening to you so they are not a problem in your brain.
That child in poverty is next door.
Those homeless people are right now.
That war has reached your country when the refugees are just across the channel.
Your child is finally influenced when she or he is dressing up in clothing costing a weeks shop.

This is.. this is 2019 and the brain finally breaks, we are only human after all.

Everything billions of people know about themselves, the world, reality is completely wiped with humans returning to a dormant almost child like state, unable to function, unable to understand anything aside their primal instinct to exist.

Some are immune, some brains can take a little more than others, some are already living that dark reality day to day.

Follow a police officer from a small countryside town in Somerset, Britain as he traverses everything about the new world.

The how.
The why.

All being inside the pages of this stretched reality.

An immunity unlike any other you will ever see, twists and turns that will make you wish you were one of.. them.

Genre: Horror, SciFi, Thriller

Dormant ( A Mental Health Driven Thriller ) by S.J. PHARRO

Amazon US

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