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Ebook Deals Today | February 22, 2025

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Dodge By Dodge Carter by Trevaris Anderson

Dodge By Dodge Carter by Trevaris Anderson

Realtime Price – $2.99

Dodge Carter always wanted to be a writer like his mother–inspiring the world with, both, his weekly columns in The Gainsville Sun and his award-winning novels. But after graduating from university in 1927, he decides a change of scenery is what he needs and moves to New York to be closer to his aging grandmother. Living just outside of New York City in Mount Vernon, he, immediately, falls in love with the beauty and atmosphere of the surrounding countryside–away from the commotion on the other side of the Broadway Bridge. During this time, he grows closer to his eccentric Grandma Florence, finds work at a local construction site, and begins adjusting to his new life. It doesn’t take long, however, for the style and corruption of the Roarin’ Twenties to make itself known across the bridge.

While living in Mount Vernon, Dodge Carter meets a gorgeous woman from the city–Ms. Vivienne Chambers–and feels for her the rush of a new love. As the two become acquainted, Dodge Carter is forced to leave behind his new home, and its tranquility–due to some unforeseen events–and take up residency in the fast-paced New York City. From there, the drama continues, and Dodge sinks deeper and deeper into turmoil.

“Dodge By Dodge Carter” is a romantic drama, in which a young man falls in love with a young woman and seeks to understand and define himself by the anchors of his past and his relationships with other people. As the story continues, Dodge narrates the events that have come to make him “Dodge” Carter–a depiction of how intricate and ornate the lives of all people become, as shaped by their pasts and individuality.

Genre: Romantic Fiction

Dodge By Dodge Carter by Trevaris Anderson

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