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Ebook Deals Today | December 18, 2024

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Life’s Ultimate Ticket by Nigel Williamson ($2.99)

Life’s Ultimate Ticket: A guide to get your life back on track and succeed

Wouldn’t it be great to do some things over in life – to get a second chance? In life, in business, in work and in sports, that’s The Ultimate Ticket. That gives us the chance to start over and have a new lease on life, relationships and our purpose.

A First Class Ticket was all it took to create the do-over for MJ, and the beginning of his second chance. Guided by the wisdom and advice of a coach, MJ learns about priorities, self-confidence and the winning formula – both in life and school moving him from failure to success.

This inspirational and heart-warming parable challenges and guides us to revisit our life and reflect on where we are heading, and then ask the questions:

• Am I heading in the direction of my dreams?
• How can I find the resources to help me achieve my goals
• What do I need to change to succeed?
• How am I doing in front of my everyday audience?
• Can success feels so great with just these little changes?

These questions and more are all shared in the journey of MJ as his mentor leads him back on track and gives him a formula for success.

Writing in the appealing parable style of such best-selling books as Who Moved my Cheese? Whale Done!, The Alchemist and The Mulligan, former school drop-out walks you through the time-tested steps his mentor used to get him back on track where he rebounds – a valedictorian, an educator and counselor.


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