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Ebook Deals Today | March 27, 2025

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$1 “If I Told You I was Lying – Would You Believe Me?” by Martin Gover

If I Told You I was Lying - Would You Believe Me? by Martin Gover

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Ebook Deal of the Day: $1″If I Told You I was Lying – Would You Believe Me? (kindle select series)” by Martin Gover

Genre: Entrepreneur, Nonfiction

A book that discusses:-
1) the possibility that it truly is a crappy world we have created and as our societies create more money and more power – our greed and grubbiness becomes almost overwhelming – and yet –

2) despite all of our self-involved ego madness we , individuals, you and me, are quite capable of almost miracles, sudden leaps of emotional connection, free offers of love and redemption and sometimes, just sometimes –we experience true joy in and with the happiness of others…

3) some directions, tips and corrections about making money as an entrepreneur with no stand out skills or background and how the Internet allows you and me, the individual with no special drives desires or madness to enter into the world of our own business in ways never available or dreamed of before. That can lead back to joy. As mentioned briefly above. (Though of course joy can be found in so many things, if you are ready. And looking.)

4) Where to begin if you want, as an entrepreneur to consider the Internet as your marketplace.

All of this and more…
Trust me.

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