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Ebook Deals Today | September 7, 2024

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$0.99 “Dun Lady’s Jess” by Doranna Durgin

Dun Lady's Jess by Doranna Durgin

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Nook Deal of the Day: $0.99 “Dun Lady’s Jess” by Doranna Durgin

Genre: Fantasy

Dun Lady’s Jess: all woman, all heart…all horse.

When hikers Dayna and Eric find a naked and terrified young woman, they’re sure she’s the victim of foul play. But the truth is much more shocking: she isn’t human at all. She’s Dun Lady’s Jess, a horse transformed into this new shape by the spell that brought her and her rider, to whom she is utterly devoted, into this world.

Possessed now of human intelligence but still a horse deep inside, Jess desperately searches this world for her master and rider, using her fiery equine spirit to take on human idiosyncrasies–and human threats.

Other books in this series: Barrenlands, Changespell, Changespell Legacy

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