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Why Does My Horse Act Like This by Meredith Hill

Why Does My Horse Act Like This by Meredith Hill

Realtime Price – $3.99

Have you ever watched your horse do something that defies human logic and wondered, “Why does my horse act this way?”

If so, you’re not alone. Horses are designed to survive in the wild, yet occasionally the wires between domestication and instinct get crossed. Meredith Hill is back with her equine expertise to explain:

✓ How horses act in the wild

✓ How some of these behaviors manifest in the stable

✓ And what you can do about it!

Have you ever wished your horse had the power of speech for just a few minutes, so they could explain why they’re acting crazy? Horses can be complicated and mysterious creatures, but often, their behavior is the direct result of

✓ Pain and discomfort

✓ Prior training flaws

✓ Abuse or neglect in a former home

In many cases, behavioral issues can be addressed with empathy and training. In Why Does My Horse Act Like This? Understanding Equine Behavior in your New Horse, Meredith Hill will explain the whys and hows of problem horses, including issues like

✓ Bucking

✓ Bolting

✓ Biting

✓ And acting politely when being handled by humans

Ms. Hill also addresses when to call a professional, and how to gauge whether a particular professional is going to be beneficial for you and your horse.

As responsible horse owners, we want our equine companions to be healthy and happy. In Why Does My Horse Act Like This? Understanding Equine Behavior in your New Horse, Meredith Hill helps you understand what your horse’s behavior is telling you, and what you can do to make life a little more comfortable for everyone involved.

Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!

Genre: Non-Fiction

Why Does My Horse Act Like This: Understanding Equine Behavior in your New Horse (Horse care) by Meredith Hill

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