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Ebook Deals Today | September 7, 2024

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Starlight in the Dawn by Naveen Sridhar

Starlight in the Dawn by Naveen Sridhar

Price – $1.99

STARLIGHT IN THE DAWN: The Poetic Priestess Who Chose to Fight

Step into the banks of the ancient Euphrates around 2300 BCE.

A high priestess’ epic struggle for power in the men’s world of ancient Sumer. At the dawn of civilization, the beautiful daughter of Sargon the Great and the High priestess of the Sumerian city of Ur confronts the intrigue of politics. She leaves the ivory tower of the priesthood and rises to unforeseen challenges. Intimidated when alone, she faces down and disgraces the king not fearing the stakes. The event has its consequence. This is a gripping story of Enheduanna, the first literary person of ancient history. She was of a stellar reputation for centuries. Her story is based on her words.

Genre: Historical Fiction

Starlight in the Dawn: The Poetic Priestess who chose to fight by Naveen Sridhar

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