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GOD Healed Me: 24 Healing Scripture Verses and Promises that helped me recover. Black & White Edition (Live Forever Book 1) by Mimi Emmanuel

spirituality ebook GOD HEALED ME by Mimi Emmanuel

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24 Popular and Favourite Scripture verses and Promises for Healing

This is the black & white version of GOD HEALED ME. You can download the colourful gift version here

Head over heels
Whilst experiencing major life challenges Mimi discovers the power of God’s Holy Word and falls head over heels. She describes how God’s Word helps her cast out bad spirits that are trying to keep her down. She relates how these 24 Scripture verses, as well as an abundance of other verses, lift her spirit, turn her life around and get her back on her feet.

Prayer time effortless and easy
Mimi created the prayer book GOD HEALED ME to make prayer time effortless and easy so that others may find similar comfort and healing.

The Power of God’s Word
There is nothing God’s Word cannot accomplish!
“By the word of the Lord were the heavens made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.”

Blessings and healing
Before Mimi started reading the Bible she experienced despair and despondency. She was ready to throw in the towel.
Nowadays with her new found faith, Mimi’s days are filled with hope and comfort, peace, joy, love, blessings and healing. Mimi discovers what churches and believers have known for millennia; God’s Word heals. It truly does!

… I am the Lord who heals you… So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Survey on prayer
A survey on prayer from shows us that 68% of Christians pray more than once a day. More than 70% of all Christians and Jewish people pray for health and safety, and respectively 93% and 74% pray for God’s guidance.

Only 0.6% of Christians think that their prayers are never answered whilst 2.9% of Jewish people think the same.

In contrast a whopping 43% of Christians say that their prayers are often answered whilst 27.5% says that they are ALWAYS answered.

Jewish people say that 12.7% of their prayers are always answered and 33.1% often.

More statistics from the survey are listed in GOD HEALED ME.

The power of prayer
In a randomized, double-blind study at coronary-care unit at San Francisco general Hospital with cardiologist Randolph Byrd, 393 patients were studied and neither the doctors and nurses nor the patients knew who would be the object of prayer.

Dramatic prayer results surprised many scientists.
Patients who were prayed for needed fewer drugs and spent less time on ventilators. They fared better overall than their counterparts. GOD HEALED ME lists the interesting and promising results of this study.

Prayer gets people better faster
“Studies have shown prayer can prevent people from getting sick, and when they do get sick, prayer can help them get better faster.”
An exhaustive analysis of more than 1,500 reputable medical studies “indicates people who are more religious and pray more have better mental and physical health.” Dr. Harold G Koenig of Duke University.

Prayer works
“Prayer works,” says Dr. Matthews, associate professor of medicine at Georgetown University School of Medicine in Washington, D.C., after reviewing more than 200 studies linking religious commitment and health, cited in his book, The Faith Factor.
Dr. Matthews cites studies suggesting that, people who pray are less likely to get sick, are more likely to recover from surgery and illness, and are better able to cope with their illnesses than people who don’t pray.

Thirty medical schools in America now offer courses in faith and medicine.

Genre: Religion, Spirituality, Faith, Inspirational, Healing

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