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The Angel’s Covenant (The Covenant Series Book 1) by Lynn Landes

paranormal romance ebook The Angel's Covenant (The Covenant Series Book 1) by Lynn Landes

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Chosen as the Keeper of Humanity I guide dying, and lost spirits home. In the quiet moments, I hear the whispered question, “Are you Shadow or are you Light?” Once I thought I knew the answer to that question. Now as I sit watching over this six-year-old girl, keeping the demons at bay, I wonder will I ever know the answer.

As children, they teach us to lift up our shields of faith, that fear and worry gives the demons an opening. How do I do that when my shield is so heavy with the blood of those I left behind? They say my thoughts must solely rest in the Maker. The demons thrive on terror and pain; I have seen that first hand with the massacre of my family. The screams of the dead haunt me still.

The tinkling of wind chimes fills the air, distracting Elina from her thoughts. It is never the same, the moment before death, and this is no exception. A soft glow begins to seep into the room and Elina smiles as she feels the velvety brush of the Angels wings as they pass.

The Shadows come, drawn by the light of the child’s pure spirit. Elina stands becoming the warrior she was born to be. Her eyes meet his, her guardian and trainer the Archangel Malach. He never understood why his brothers chose to fall and break the Covenant, until he looked into her blue eyes. Trouble is brewing amongst the Angels. Some feel humanity is the problem, but he knows the truth. Elina is the only hope they have against the Dark angel, fore he is building an army bent on ruling Heaven and Earth.

Genre: Paranormal Romance

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