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How to Write a Book by Lauren Bingham

How to Write a Book by Lauren Bingham

Realtime Price – $4.99

How many times have you said, “That’s an interesting topic- I’d like to read a book about that,” but you really meant that you would like to write a book about that?

How often do you find yourself conducting research on a topic for hours on end?

Do you have a tendency to click every link, search every citation, and maybe even find a few surprising sources yourself when reading about something?

Have you ever been embarrassed when a friend or family member found the little notebook where you jot down your ideas?

If you secretly identify with any of the scenarios above, it’s time to get your own copy of “How to Write a Book: Taking the Plunge into Non-Fiction and Conquering Your New Writer Fears and Doubts”, by Lauren Bingham.

Combining two of Ms. Bingham’s highly-rated books into one comprehensive source, “How to Write a Book: Taking the Plunge into Non-Fiction and Conquering Your New Writer Fears and Doubts” helps writers understand how they can write the book of their dreams.

Rather than drilling readers on how to structure sentences, how to schedule their day, and what buzzwords they need to use to attract fans, “How to Write a Book: A Book for Anyone Who Has Never Written a Book (But Wants To)”, shows readers that they really can write their own book. Ms. Bingham helps aspiring writers understand their voice, organizational preferences, and motivation to help them move through the mental and emotional obstacles they may encounter on their journey to authorhood.

Ms. Bingham continues her motivational education in “Non-Fiction for Newbies: How to Write a Factual Book and Actually Kind of Enjoy It”. This book is targeted to those who wish to write such books as:

* Biography
* Autobiography and memoir
* History
* Travel
* Self-Help
* How-To
* Philosophy
* Insight/Analytical
With loads of examples and exercises, Lauren Bingham’s kind tone and welcoming approach to the art of writing set her apart from other writing experts. Ms. Bingham even shares samples of her own writing for new writers to dissect. These tips, strategies, and occasional jokes encourage a new generation of authors to pick up the pen today!

If you’ve ever had the slightest urge to start your own writing journey, add a copy of “How to Write a Book: Taking the Plunge into Non-Fiction and Conquering Your New Writer Fears and Doubts” to your collection. A motivator, mentor, and someone who’s shared those tough times in the writing trenches, Lauren Bingham leaves readers feeling encouraged and supported as they move towards making their writing dreams come true.

Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page.

Genre: Non-Fiction, Writing

How to Write a Book: Taking the Plunge into Non-Fiction and Conquering Your New Writer Fears by Lauren Bingham

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