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Ebook Deals Today | September 7, 2024

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Hard Road Home by H.W. Hollman

historical fiction ebook Hard Road Home by H.W. Hollman

Realtime Pricing:$2.99

The Civil War has arrived in idyllic but poor Louisiana. Riley, a young man in his twenties, is a land owner with a wife and a child on the way. He wants nothing more in life than to work his land and provide for his family. But when soldiers show up on his property one day, they bring enlistment papers. Riley’s been drafted and must leave everything behind to fight for the South.

Riley and his fellow soldiers endure hardship and battles against the North in their efforts to win freedom for the South. But when Vicksburg ends up a devastating loss for the South, Riley’s own personal war is just beginning. Captive, then paroled, Riley is released with only one directive: find your own way home.
Now, on foot and in unfamiliar territory, he must make his way back to his wife and child before they’re taken from him for good.

Genre: Historical Fiction

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