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Enlightened Master Seeks Apprentice by Steve Bode

Enlightened Master Seeks Apprentice by Steve Bode

Realtime Price – $5.99

Do you have a burning desire to make a difference in the world, but feel as though you’re stuck?
Are you constantly depleting your energy without ever making progress?
Have your extraordinary dreams fallen by the wayside as you trudge through life?


In Enlightened Master Seeks Apprentice (EMSA), your future self writes to give you the jump-start you desperately need to get back on track for creating the life you’ve envisioned – a life your future self is already enjoying. Let your future self illuminate the path you are destined for and learn to optimize the full potential of your mind. There are as many neurons firing in your brain as there are stars in the universe; discover the freedom in cutting out the noise and focusing all of that power on your end goal!

As newcomers to this world, we were bursting with energy, dreams, and fortitude. Unfortunately, as we became accustomed to the mainstream ways of life, we began to believe that all of our mental energy and time must be consumed by our efforts to simply survive. Work, school, and relationships soon became all that we could manage. We decided there was no time for our dreams, and even if there was, we’re too tired anyway. It may sound bleak, but only if it becomes our truth. The real truth is that we have the potential to do it all, but it’s going to take some practice.

This book isn’t just about helping yourself, it’s about healing humanity. There is an incomprehensible amount of room for improvement within each of us. EMSA introduces you to concepts and methods that help you refine yourself to become a large-scale doer that contributes to a better world for everyone. Radically optimize your brain through simple techniques so that you may decide where your immense stores of mental energy are spent. Simple does not mean easy but deciding whether something is easy or hard is a waste of energy anyway.

Read Enlightened Master Seeks Apprentice to find out how these techniques can help you create a fulfilled and benevolent life:

* No more thinking (okay, maybe just a little)
* Solving (real) problems
* Un-forming opinions
* Trusting the subconscious
* Building the habit-breaking muscle
* Eliminating distractions
* Review/Preview
* Theme days

These are just a glimpse of the techniques that author Steve Bode presents in his debut book. Dive in now to see which ones you can use to become the exceptional human you were always going to be!

Aren’t you sick and tired of being sick and tired? You don’t have to be. The choice is yours; you just have to make it.

Genre: Non-Fiction, Selfhelp

Enlightened Master Seeks Apprentice: Wherever you are in life; let go of your past, eliminate wasteful thoughts, build a solid base, optimize your mind, and achieve the greatness you seek. by Steve Bode

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