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Ebook Deals Today | September 16, 2024

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Free! “Dawn of Destiny” by Lee Stephen

Free! Dawn of Destiny by Lee Stephen

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Ebook Deal of the Day: Free! “Dawn of Destiny” by Lee Stephen

Genre: Scifi, Action & Adventure

You’re tired of it, aren’t you? Of gimmicks, of fluff, of predictability. If you’ve read one book today, you’ve read them all. But you haven’t read this.

There’s no glitz and glamor here–no trendy hype machine. There’s only a promise: Epic is the deepest, most gripping, most adrenaline-fueled series you’ve ever experienced. Leave your sense of tranquility at the door. This runs on 94 octane.

Dawn of Destiny kicks off the story of Scott Remington, a young man following a calling to war. Sacrificing a promising life that could’ve been, he embarks on a journey to follow his destiny and make a difference regardless of where it takes him. It’s a story of perseverance amidst trials and tribulations–a journey of faith into the fog of war. This is high-action and intensity wrapped up in the reality of the human experience. It’s the introduction to an epic.

Load your assault rifles…you’re about to drop into a hot zone.

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