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The Clueless Dad’s Guide to First-time Pregnancy by Dwayne Mills

The Clueless Dad's Guide to First-time Pregnancy by Dwayne Mills

Realtime Price – $2.99

“I’m pregnant.” must be one of the topmost important phrases for anybody. Pregnancy and an impending childbirth strike one with much anxiety, fear, and excitement. And for first-time parents, you just wish there was someone you could talk to, a resource you can consult before you make any drastic changes. Lucky women because most pregnancy preparation books have been made specifically for them. But are there any pregnancy books for men? Should guys even prepare for pregnancy? Can knowing more about pregnancy actually help you and your partner for smooth and easy childbirth?

This book is a manual for first-time fathers, especially the clueless ones. This book is not born from a perfect father’s preparation but culled from my imperfect experiences at attempting to prepare for fatherhood. I went through that clumsy, anxious, worrisome phase, and I wrote this book to assure all future fathers out there that even ordinary guys like me can make it. Should you prepare for your partner’s pregnancy? Heck yes! Is this book going to help childbirth become more smooth-sailing? Heck yes!

In this book, you will learn:

* Your baby’s development from week 1 to childbirth
* The changes to anticipate in your partner’s body during the pregnancy
* The essential tests and preparations before childbirth
* The potential infections that your partner can get from foods she usually eats
* The pro-tips for the “Big Day”

You might not be the one giving birth, but there is a lot about pregnancy you have to know. Reading this book will help you understand your partner more and prepare you well for that Big Day. And so in advance, “Happy Father’s Day!”

Genre: Nonfiction, Parenting, How-To

The Clueless Dad’s Guide to First-time Pregnancy: Things I Learned That Every Expectant Father Should Know by Dwayne Mills

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