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Ebook Deals Today | March 31, 2025

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The Sugar Demons by Johnathan Cranford

The Sugar Demons by Johnathan Cranford

Realtime Price – $4.99

It’s time to end your addiction to sugar.

Before each sugar binge comes a hollow feeling, like an invisible hand pushing you to seek sugar. It manifests when you’re stressed, bored, anxious. Addiction makes you the tennis ball in a match between self-loathing and depression. Every binge leads to self-loathing, the self-loathing leads to depression which in turn leads to more binging. It’s time to break that cycle.

As a former USA Boxing Coach and current Certified CrossFit Trainer with 20 years experience in the fitness industry and an equal amount of time spent battling sugar addiction, I’ll share discoveries from my own experience on breaking the cycle. The Sugar Demons covers my entire journey from realizing I have an addiction, to the “Ah-ha!” moments that put me back in control of my life. In this book, you’ll learn:

-The key breakthrough that gave me the edge I needed in my battle with addiction.

-My step-by-step plan for breaking sugar addiction.

-How I reduce cravings until they are silent.

-Why “discipline” and “willpower” are ineffective strategies and should not be relied on.

-A list of (optional) supplements to “hack” your body out of its dependence on sugar.

-Meal prep advice.

-How to control your food environment so it doesn’t control you.

Genre: Diet, NonFiction

The Sugar Demons: An Addict’s Guide to Conquering Sugar Addiction by Johnathan Cranford

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