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Hidden: Epic Fantasy Romance Novel by Shereen Vedam

Hidden: Epic Fantasy Romance Novel by Shereen Vedam

Realtime Price – $3.99

Come out, come out, wherever you are

In a moment of crisis, Gilly’s fantasy of safety is shattered. With her family murdered, Gilly disguises herself as an eccentric goat herder and hides among shadows, while keeping a careful eye on her baby sister. Then, her illegal use of magic to save her niece lifts the veil and exposes all of them to the enemy. Now it’s time to flee again, for an evil sorcerer, and the malevolent king he serves, are back on their trail.

A perilous journey across unknown terrain with family, friends and strangers lead Gilly and her sister Anna back to the beginning. They’ll discover hidden secrets, earn forgiveness for past discretions and perhaps even find enduring love.

But can either of them stay alive long enough to claim it?

If you like epic fantasies with a flavor of mystery, are raring to go on a dangerous journey where you’ll enter exotic lands and meet strangers who could end up being either a trusted friend or a dangerous killer, this is the tale for you.

Step out of the shadows and pick up your copy today.

Genre: Epic, Fantasy

Hidden: Epic Fantasy Romance Novel (Tales of Ryca Epic Fantasy Romance, Book 1) by Shereen Vedam

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