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Ebook Deals Today | March 25, 2025

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$0.99 “Bertha Size Your Life” by Jane Carroll

Bertha Size Your Life by Jane Carroll

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Ebook Deal of the Day: $0.99 “Bertha Size Your Life (The Bertha Series)” by Jane Carroll

Genre: Self-Help, Motivational, Humor

Bertha-Size Your Life! Is a book of personal transformation that reads like a series of entertaining and humorous stories. Bertha, a zany redhead, mysteriously appears in the narrator’s life during a walk in the park. Quicker than a man can hand off a baby with a dirty diaper, she has moved into the narrator’s empty nest and the fun begins.

You never know what Bertha will think up next from flying a hot air balloon to singing to her begonia, she’s always up to something. Bertha delights in standing on her soapbox while dispensing down-home wisdom and perky advice, explaining The Law of Attraction in a refreshing, humor-filled, practical way that has the reader going aha! instead of humph!

Throw in a conniving nemesis, an antagonistic cat, lime green spandex and high-heels and you’ve got a book that’s sure to tickle your funny bone and leave you wearing your thinking cap as you read and reread each vignette.

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